Curative educator

In summer 2027, a new class will open at the vocational school specializing in curative education.
The aim of the training is to enable curative educators to support people with disabilities at every age level in their development, independence and participation through individualized support services.
Curative educators support, educate, train, encourage and advise children, young people and adults in difficult and disabling life situations.
On the other hand, curative educators support and advise relatives, professionals and people in the person's environment with the aim of initiating processes of understanding, providing tailored support and initiating necessary change processes. They do this with the intention of self-determined, equal participation of all in societal life. As specialists, curative educators play a key role in shaping inclusive processes in various fields of work (cf. curriculum for the Fachschule Fachrichtung Heilpädagogik 2017).
Curative educators work in the following fields, among others: Curative education services and assistance, early intervention, early and elementary education, school and educational counselling, school social work, school support measures and teaching in the context of inclusive education and support centres, curative education crisis intervention, vocational preparation, training and work with educational institutions, in workshops for disabled people and in companies, assistance in living and leisure activities, child and youth welfare, psychiatric help for children, adolescents and adults, adult education, geragogics (support for the elderly), specialist advice and management of institutions, training and further education.
Subject-related area with the learning fields
- Learning field 1: Communicate, reflect on and further develop professional identity and professional perspectives in an interdisciplinary context
- Learning field 2: Special educational diagnostics – perceiving, understanding and describing individuals, living environments and diversity
- Learning field 3: Curative education – building relationships, accompanying development, supporting educational processes, shaping educational partnerships
- Learning field 4: Advise, develop and lead in organizations, promote processes of inclusion in social spaces and cooperate in networks
- Learning field 5: Analyze, consider and help shape social, economic and legal contexts
Compulsory elective area
Curative education practice
Lessons are 12 - 14 hours per week and take place on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Weekend seminars from Friday to Saturday and excursions supplement the lessons.
Three block weeks of 40 hours each (which can be recognized as educational leave) are part of the training.
The practical training takes place in social or curative education facilities.
At least 4 hours of practice per week must be demonstrated.
The school admission requirement is a secondary school leaving certificate or an educational qualification recognized as equivalent. If the school-leaving qualification was obtained abroad, proof of German language proficiency at level B2 according to the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR)" must be submitted.
Professional admission requirements for the specialization in curative education are a degree from a vocational school specializing in curative education or social pedagogy or a qualification recognized as equivalent for the objectives of the specialization as well as at least one year of full-time practical work in social or special educational institutions.
Training to become a "state-recognized remedial teacher" is a further vocational training course that leads to a state post-secondary vocational qualification in accordance with state law.
The course lasts two and a half years. After passing the final examination, the professional title
Staatlich anerkannte Heilpädagogin / Staatlich anerkannter Heilpädagoge
with the title
"Bachelor Professional in dem Fachbereich Sozialwesen” is awarded.
There are no school fees. Learning materials are provided within the framework of the applicable regulations. For some learning fields or teaching areas, costs are regularly incurred that are only partially borne by the school authority. The pupils must bear the expenses for obligatory educational weeks/excursions (school trips). Graduates who are in employment can apply to their employer for block weeks as educational leave.
You will receive more information about the block weeks and weekend seminars at the start of the school year.
Applications for the school year must be submitted in February of each year, namely the
- Application for admission to the school
- Complete curriculum vitae
- Copies of the relevant certificates
- Proof of at least one year of full-time employment in social or special educational institutions
- If applicable, copy of an existing employment contract with a curative education qualification of at least 4 hours/week
- An extended certificate of good conduct for submission to an authority in accordance with Section 30 a BZRG
(not older than 3 months) is required after acceptance of a training place - Documentation of sufficient protection against measles (copy of vaccination certificate or a medical certificate confirming existing immunity or a medical contraindication)
- If applicable, proof of German language skills level B2
If the number of applications exceeds the number of school places, a selection procedure is carried out.