Regionales Berufsbildungszentrum am Königsweg

The RBZ am Königsweg stands by all those who actively protect and promote our democracy and diversity in our society. We condemn any form of extremism that endangers our democracy and call on everyone involved in school life to take a stand!

Education with a future - on the Königsweg!

social - diverse - sustainable- creative



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News from the Königsweg

Recently, as in every school year, the ‘Nature Education Certificate Course’ for prospective socio-pedagogical assistants took place.

Here, the students experience a theoretical part with a practical orientation as well as a nature education excursion in a wooded area in Kiel.
First year students can acquire more detailed knowledge in the working field of forest and nature kindergartens, as well as gain a variety of experiences in nature.


In the last nine weeks of school, we, the students of class FS22a, have been working intensively on projects. These projects enabled us to gain valuable practical experience and put our theoretical skills to the test in teams and on topics of our own choice, with those topics coming from the field of education for sustainable development (ESD).


A room shrouded by fog, a shady pirate, a chest full of gold and ... a rucksack!

This was the starting point of our adventurous treasure hunt in Hamburg's HafenCity. On 4 July, we, class 11a of the vocational college, went on a trip to Hamburg and took part in the Monkey Quest - a kind of outdoor scavenger hunt that we found to be a mixture of city rally, escape room and geocaching. It was analogue, though, because smartphones were not allowed this time!


As part of the school-practice coordination, the RBZ am Königsweg organised a meeting on Tuesday, 2 July 2024 to provide information and exchange ideas for providers and facilities from the field of educational support. With a total of 28 participants, consisting of representatives from funding organisations, facility managers, team leaders and employees from the facilities, we were overwhelmed by the great response.


On 18 June, class BG23c went on an exciting excursion to Hamburg.


After two years of the exchange programme with the Pauliskolan school in Malmö, we were visited by two Swedish colleagues on Tuesday, 11.06.24.
